The hours
Har precis sett klart filmen The Hours. Den var hemsk. Jag var tvungen att ta en paus i mitten och vila mig lite ifrån hemskheterna. Den var tryckande och jobbig. Men jag tyckte den var bra. Den fångade mig totalt, jag blev sårad av den. Men se den. Så här sa de:
Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more. It's contrast.
Would you be angry if I died?
I've stayed alive for you. But now you have to let me go.
Did it matter, then, she asked herself, walking toward Bond Street. Did it matter that she must inevitably cease, completely. All this must go on without her. Did she resent it? Or did it not become consoling to believe that death ended absolutely? It is possible to die. It is possible to die.
All my life I could do anything. I could do anything, really. Except the one thing I wanted.
Just wait till I die. Then you'll have to think of yourself. How are you going to like that?
The thought of this life, that's what kept me going. I had an idea of our happiness.
You cannot find peace by avoiding life, Leonard.
That is what we do. That is what people do. They stay alive for each other.

Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more. It's contrast.
Would you be angry if I died?
I've stayed alive for you. But now you have to let me go.
Did it matter, then, she asked herself, walking toward Bond Street. Did it matter that she must inevitably cease, completely. All this must go on without her. Did she resent it? Or did it not become consoling to believe that death ended absolutely? It is possible to die. It is possible to die.
All my life I could do anything. I could do anything, really. Except the one thing I wanted.
Just wait till I die. Then you'll have to think of yourself. How are you going to like that?
The thought of this life, that's what kept me going. I had an idea of our happiness.
You cannot find peace by avoiding life, Leonard.
That is what we do. That is what people do. They stay alive for each other.
